» 討論區 » {VOD) 02.24 官網發放在旭新的留言 ...
{VOD) 02.24 官網發放在旭新的留言 ...
Repost from "築在旭緣", 謝謝 Fly Sep 辛勤翻譯分享
在旭官網留言內容 (中文版)
Staff Blog 安在旭的問候
大家好 很高興見到大家 我是安在旭
總之是一段美好的回憶 感覺很好
還有就是 大家都很關心的 關於上研究所的事
(大家果然很貪心啊 才畢業 又希望在旭再去讀書 ...)
我個人是 對 表演藝術 以及社會福利 方面 之類 的很有興趣學習
不過 , 是今年下半年或是明年 還是未來的某個時候 ,我還沒有決定
謝謝大家 !
還有就是 收到了一份大禮
在這次首次舉辦的 " 第一屆首爾文化藝術大獎 "中
我很榮幸被選上 獲得" 世界明星 " 獎
很多海外的 fans 們
包括 中國 / 香港 / 台灣 (註) 新加坡 日本 以及其他地區 ..
由於有這麼多 fans 們的愛 使我能致力於我的演藝工作
日後我將會更加幫助後輩更加努力 (電話響了 哈哈)
今天的頒獎典禮雖然沒能跟大家共度 我相信大家都為我高興
如同今年一開頭 就有好的開始 也得到了禮物一樣
感謝各位 ! |
Repost from "AJW Official web-site", thank you for icicle hard translation and love sharing.
VOD content in English
The title: The greeting from Ahn Jae Wook
Hi, how are you? Good to see you. I am Ahn Jae Wook.
You might have seen recently the articles about me…
I wanted to attend and celebrate my personal graduation ceremony quitely , but, regardless of my intention, many articles were released and many people knew about it
Actually, I graduated from the Seoul Arts College long time ago.
This time, I completed two year courses ( 3rd and 4th year) of bachelor’s degree program for last two years at the university, and as a result, I added one more diploma and a bachelor's degree to my academic career.
I heard that many of you were congratulating me on my graduation. I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to you. Personally, I do NOT put a big meaning to my graduation, because I am not a kind of person occupied with a high scholastic spirit. But, I am really happy about it, of course. It is a good thing anyway :-)
In addition, many people are wondering about whether I continue to study at a graduate school or not . I have not yet decided anything of my academic direction.
I would like to study Performing Arts or Social Welfare, but I am not sure about ‘When’. Later this year? Next year or the later? Nothing decided….
One sure thing is that if I get an opportunity to study in the future, I will try my best.
Thank you.
In addition, I got one more present.
The Seoul Culture and Arts Awards is a newly established award ceremony this year.
I had the honour of receiving the first ‘World Star’ award, one of main awards, during the 1st Seoul Culture and Arts Awards ceremony.
I could achieve this because of love and support from many fans, many overseas fans in China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Japan, and many other countries.
I will take the award as the encouragement to do greater work for younger people in the entertainment industry, not just as the recognition of my achievements so far.
I will do my best to show you better work.
Although you were not in the award ceremony, I believe many fans happy for me.
Once again, I truly thank you all for your love.
As a nice start for this year receiving the grateful present, I hope and pray with you that everything goes well.
Thank you!!!
(The end)
- Please note that the name of ceremony (The Seoul Culture and Arts Awards in my translation) might not be correct. I don't know the official title in English. If someone see the English name in an article, please let me know. I am willing to correct mine |