{VOD} 07.27 在旭官網分享音樂劇 Chicago "All I Care About"

Repost & Sources from : "tania_nardini", thank you for love sharing

Date : 2020.07.26

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인스타그램 또다른 사진~


Ladies and Gentlemen, we present: “International All I Care About”.
The amazing actors who played Billy Flynn with me, from all over the world, celebrating this improbable, but very real and now unbreakable connection! Thank you Sam Hartley, Alex Bourne, Craig Urbani, Jean-Luc Guizonne, Pasquale Aleardi, Nigel Casey, Kiyoon Sung, Kyungju Nam, Jaewook Ahn, Tom Burlingson. To Guilherme Logullo the fearless video editor, Matt Grounds the magic audio editor and Rob Bowman the lovely music supervisor, my eternal gratitude for the partnership on creating this. Also deeply grateful to “THE TEAM” OUTsideINsideOUT!!!
Let’s celebrate! Life! NMRK

Senhoras e Senhores apresentamos: “International All I Care About”.
Os incríveis atores de várias partes do mundo que interpretaram Billy Flynn comigo, celebrando está pouco provável, porém super real e agora inquebrável conexão!!! Obrigada, Sam Hartley, Alex Bourne, Craig Urbani, Jean-Luc Guizonne, Pasquale Aleardi, Nigel Casey, Kiyoon Sung, Kyungju Nam, Jaewook Ahn, Tom Burlingson. A este editor de vídeo destemido: Guilherme Logullo; este editor de áudio mágico: Matt Grounds e este adorável supervisor musical: Rob Bowman minha gratidão eterna pela parceria nesta deliciosa criação. Profunda gratidão também ao “THE TEAM” OUTsideINsideOUT!!!
Bora celebrar! Vida! NMRK

@robbowman88 @logullo_ @tasspetrova @carolinaherzlt @mamedrung @thijan @gabrielmalo @tatianatoyota @dudubraga @unicornioassessoria @tania_nardini @samfreed88 @craigurbani @jlguizonne @pasquale_aleardi @caseynigel @kyle_kiyune @kyung_ju_nam @steelajw6796

#chicagothemusical #musical #enjoy #musicaltheatre #teatromusical #tanianardini #musicalchicago #encontro #quarentena #diretora #show #music #AllICareAbout #InternationalAllICareAbout #International #BillyFlynn #OUTsideINsideOUT

https://scontent-lax3-1.cdninsta ... 636a903c2d&dl=1
(Download here)
Repost from "AJW Official web site" ~ J Diary

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27. Jul. 2020 PM 02:42

뮤지컬 시카고 ALL I CARE ABOUT International ...

Musical "Chicago" All I Care About 國際版

內有 MV 視分享, 只能提供 "AJW World Forever" members 閱讀