{VOD} 11.25 Jack the Ripper I ...

Thanks for our sister Mandy love sharing

Jack the Ripper Curtain Call & Jae Wook after performance

Mandy & 其他姊妹, 呢 2 晚一定睇得好開心.

睇見在旭步出表演場地, 明顯是拖慢腳步, 同你們見面,
睇到他手中有咁多束鮮花, 相信你們一定有份送給他,
真的好羨慕你們與在旭有個愉快, 開心難忘的見面,
今晚返港, 回來再談吧.

當然有啦...我見到 Stella 送花給在旭....真幸福呵~
Repost from "Wookienet", thank you for love sharing

Jae Wook after musical performance

(Download here)

Jack the Ripper Curtain Call