{VOD/Photo} New DVD promotion site has been updated

Repost from "AJW World", thank you for wbcj love sharing

Jae Wook messages

(Download here)
Repost from "AJW World", thank you for wbcj love sharing

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Repost from "Wookienet", thank you for 포플러 love sharing
轉貼 "在旭百度吧", 謝謝旭陽開心分享

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News 120913 : 安在旭在沖繩告知近況


安在旭 9 月初在專輯中收錄的新作《Best Friends》 拍攝 MV 和特別 DVD 在沖繩的面貌。安在旭在近一年來, 電視劇《光與影》和音樂劇《Jack the Ripper》演出,度過了忙碌的日子。

在沖繩,難得的有空他 7 天內與工作人員一起工作的過程中, 度過其樂融融的日子。

安在旭,目前正在物色下部作品,音樂劇《Jack the Ripper》 9 月起在日本公演; 11 月特別 DVD 和新專輯發行即將到來之際, 年末在日本大阪、橫濱舉行演唱會。
Repost from "Wookienet", thank you for 나래 & 포플러 love sharing


안재욱, 뮤비-스페셜DVD 日서 촬영..11월 현지 발매
http://media.daum.net/entertain/ ... d=20120914181522378

안재욱, 오키나와서 스페셜 DVD 촬영
http://m.news.naver.com/read.nhn ... &aid=0005815530
Repost from "Wookienet", thank you for 포쿠폰 love sharing

Pls click the following linkage and watch

1) Jae Wook in 沖繩島,  swimming, cycling, , diving, sun-bathing

2) Jae Wook's House and his dog


DVD will release on coming Nov. 11, 2012 (Korea & Japan)
Repost from "Wookienet", thank you for 쥬만지 love sharing

공식홈 메인사진이 바뀌었네요

3장중 못보던 사진 한장만^^