Musical "CPR" 即是 "Crown Prince Rudolf", "皇太子魯道夫",
황태자 루돌프
Repost from "AJW World", thank you for 대프니 love sharing
Director's speech from Mr. Robert Johanson

( This is brief speech from Mr. Johanson on premier night. His passion of musical is spectacular. He served as artistic director at the Paper Mill Playhouse, the biggest regional theater in America for 20 years. Among his students is Oscar-winner Anne Hathaway who earned Best Supporting Actress in 2012 from " Les Miserables ". Since 2007, Mr. Johanson had directed " Hamlet ", " Monte Cristo " , " Elizabeth ", " Rudolf " and " Rebecca " in Korea. )
As Mr. Ahn told you we had an early matinee. We thank everybody at that earlier performance.
But like he said, we really can't thank you enough for all of your enthusiasm on getting us going in such fantastic way today.
We all really, really, really love " Rudolf ".
We love working on it, we love been able to perform for everyone, and we hope you really will tell your friends to be able to see this unique experience.
( from audience : We love watching it ! )
Good !
When Mr. Ahn told you they all love each other, he ... that's the truth. This isn't just some lines.
(Translator mis-comprehend as " lies " )
This is the most dedicated company I've ever worked with, ever !
And I directed 250 shows, so ... and there's an example of this dedication, let me tell you :
(He pointed one male ensemble)
This young man's wife is giving birth right now to their son ... right now ! But he stayed here till the show, so go, go, go ! GO ! GO !
(Ensemble retreated from stage)
And also wonderful I would like to especially congratulate Hyeon Ju tonight for her debut as Mary.
( He approached Jae Wook and holding his hand )
What can we say about Mr. Ahn ?
When we finished round of " Rudolf " the last time, Mr. Ahn suffered the life-threatening medical situation.
And we were afraid we never see him on the stage again ...
He works so hard, months of months of recovery ... And so tonight, miracle has happened.
我們真的、真的、真的熱烈地喜愛著 " 魯道夫 " 這齣戲。
(觀眾:我們樂於觀賞 !)
當安先生說他們彼此喜愛著對方時,他 … 這是事實,不是什麼台詞 !
(翻譯誤植為 謊言 )
而且我導過 250 部戲,讓我告訴大家ㄧ個例子 :
這個年輕人的太太正在分娩,他們的兒子正要出生,就是現在!但是他還在演出現場,所以 … 去吧!去吧!去啊!去啊!
然後很開心地要特別恭喜 Hyeon Ju , 今晚是她首次演出 " 瑪麗 " (女主角)的角色。
(走向在旭,並緊握住他的手 … )
對於安先生,我們 ... 詞窮了吧?
上一次 " 魯道夫 " 結束之後,安先生罹患了一場致命的重病,當時我們擔憂他再也無法在舞台上出現。但是他歷經艱苦,經過月復一月漫長時間的復原。所以今晚,奇蹟發生了。
他 重 返 舞 台!
안재욱 관련 부분
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안재욱씨의 말대로, 루돌프팀의 뛰어난 결속력으로 한 남자 앙상블의 부인이 아이를 낳고 있음에도 무대에 섰다는 것
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그가 돌아왔습니다.!!!" |