{Photos} 07.28 Summer Camp 2009

Repost from "一切就旭", thanks for love sharing

July 24, 2009

July 25, 2009

July 27, 2009 (Repost from AJW Official web-site)

1# Christina

Wow ! 好型的在旭!

Thanks for Christina's posting !

Enjoy your holiday in Seoul !
2# Anna

[Photo] 2009 Summer Camp - 1
Source from www.anjaewook.org
Thanks for AJW World's lovely sharing !
Taken by 산만한옥주양, edited by Rainbow

2009 Summer Camp
In Inje Mirinae Camp site

3# Anna

[Photo] 2009 Summer Camp - 2
Source from www.anjaewook.org
Thanks for AJW World's lovely sharing !
Taken by 산만한옥주양, edited by Rainbow

2009 Summer Camp
In Inje Mirinae Camp site

Hi, Anna,

Thank you for your help and love sharing.

Here's have some photos from Sister's Kuen, thank you for her.

Repost from "Wookienet", thank you for love sharing

This is from Korea's media's

한류 스타 해외팬 ‘한국의 속살’에 푹 빠지다
http://news.naver.com/main/read. ... &aid=0002065291
Repost from "Wookienet", thank you for love sharing

The Second day morning exercise (July 26, 2009)

The third party from camp (Outdoor ~ the river which is nearby the temper)

The Third day morning exercise (July 27, 2009)

The first day in Summer Camp, after slogan,
Jae Wook is walking, his mood is very high and happy,
he is willing to stand up, talking with us, do not mind for fans take photos,
and VOD, so nice for him.

Repost from "AJW ~ World", thank you for love sharing

The first day in summer camp (July 25, 2009)

The second day in summer camp (July 26, 2009) morning exercise

The third day in summer camp (July 27, 2009) morning exercise

Go to the temple

7# Christina


C 旭團今晚回港,係咪好唔捨得呢?

期待你們回港後的 <開心大報告> 啊......

Thanks for Christina's posting  !
Repost from "AJW ~ World", thank you for love sharing

http://news.hankooki.com/lpage/s ... 072906195897630.htm

Repost from "Wookienet", thank you for Heavy love sharing

Repost from "Wookienet", thank you for love sharing

這是韓國 fans 後記拍下的相片

是次夏令營大禮堂的 Banner

我們 2 組的旗幟


是次 "Mini Concert" ~ Banner

第 3 天戶外活動, 廟宇旁的小溪, 好多人喜歡這樣將石仔堆砌成這樣, 在旭也是

依依不捨的時間到了, 在旭上車向 fans 道別

多謝Christina & Anna !:P

看到開心及精神奕奕的 "在旭" 真係好開心!
