» 討論區 » {Photo} 01.27 祝在旭, 及大家 "開工大吉"
{Photo} 01.27 祝在旭, 及大家 "開工大吉"
今天, 大年初二, 開工大日子,
祝大家開工大吉, 不論在公司, 廚房, 四方城,
都開工順利, 得心應手, 家肥屋潤,
金銀賺滿屋, 工作做不完, 及出入平安.
Jea Wook Opba,
Happy Job doing Today,
best wishes always for you,
come in / go out for safety,
Money always gain in your hand.
Missing and Loving you "Forever"
本帖最後由 KPL 於 2009-1-27 23:55 編輯
~ 新年萬福 ~
今日年初 4 啦!
Hi,dear Friends!
How do you spend that new year's holiday??
I hope everything goes well!
Here ,Tokyo....it's ordinary days~!....Ha! |
Hi,dear Friends!
How do you spend that new year's holiday??
I hope everything goes well!
Here ,Tokyo....it's ordinary days~!....Ha!
koko 發表於 2009-1-29 21:19 Hi, Koko,
Good evening.
Happy Lunar New Year 2009.
For me, I still on holiday, and will start the job next Monday,
because my boss believe that day will be a good day for office.
During New Year holiday, I always at home,
except yesterday I went to temper and my boss's home.
Here in Hong Kong, Spring season is coming very soon,
the weather will warm, but wet,
hope will see u in Hong Kong very soon.
Hi,dear Friends!
How do you spend that new year's holiday??
I hope everything goes well!
Here ,Tokyo....it's ordinary days~!....Ha!
koko 發表於 2009-1-29 21:19 Dear KoKo,
How're u ?
We're fine in HK !
However, the weather is rather cold !
I think a warm weather comes on next Monday !
Usually, we stayed at home, relatives and friends came to visit us during Lunar New Year !
It's time for family members' gathering too !
Always eating.... eating......eating .... ha.....ha....
When u see me, I must be getting fat than before !
Take care !
Hoping to see u soon ! |
今日年初 5 啦!
本帖最後由 KPL 於 2009-1-30 23:20 編輯
今日年初 8 啦!
恭喜發財, 開工大吉.
謝謝 Anna 溫暖貼心題示.
今天, 好早回到公司, 同上級及同事拜年,
準 10 時, 上級等人拜神, 下午公司訂了枱食開年飯,
祝大家工作順利, 出入平安, 財源廣進, 生意興隆.
Hi Anna, Christina and ALL,
又到年初八, 開工大吉個個發,
百業興旺, 老板員工都笑開顏‧
各位好朋友, 好開心和大家在一起呀!