» 討論區 » {VOD} 10.30 官網發放在旭留言給 fans
{VOD} 10.30 官網發放在旭留言給 fans
雖然我聽唔明在旭講緊乜, 但係見到佢我都已經好開心, 希望快D有人可以翻譯就好喇 |
Repost from "Wookienet", thank you for love sharing
VOD (in Korean)
(재욱님 영상)
안녕하세요, 안재욱입니다. 반갑습니다.이렇게 너무 오래만이구요.
지금 이곳은 요번 공연하게될 뮤지컬 살인마 잭 연습실입니다.
여러분들 많은 기대하고 계시지요? 지금 공연 얼마 안남았는데 많은 배우들, 또 저도 땀흘리면서 열심히 공연준비하고 있습니다.
오늘 인사드리게 된 점은요. 제가 요번에 생일이었잖아요.
그런데 아쉽게도 처음으으로 여러분들하고 함께 생일잔치를 못하게 됐습니다.
뉴스를 통해서 여러분들 다 접하셨겠지만 요즘 그 신종플루에 대한 많은 걱정과 우려가 있기 때문에 부득이하게 요번 생일파티는 함께하지 못하게됐어요.
하지만 많은 팬여러분들이 축하해주시고 또 선물도 많이 보내주시고 해서요, 외롭지 않은, 기분좋은 생일을 맞게 되었습니다.
자, 아무튼 여러분들 건강 꼭 주의하시구요. 그리고 이제 또 날씨도 추워지니까 옷도 따뜻하게 챙겨 입으시구요. 11월 13일부터 시작되는 뮤지컬 살인마 잭, 그때 여러분들 웃는얼굴로 만났으면 좋겠습니다.
네, 열심히 해서 좋은 무대 선보일 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다.
轉貼 "築在旭緣", 謝謝 Serena 辛勤翻譯分享 (中文)
2009.10.30. [Staff Blog] ..感謝大家的生日祝福~~
轉自官網~ 謝謝分享
來自在旭 Obpa 熱騰騰的生日留言
請大家愉快地欣賞在旭 Opba 最近的模樣囉..
Staff 다랑
大家好..是我安在旭.. 好久不見了..
現在這裡是音樂劇'殺人魔傑克'的練習場地.. 大家都很期待吧...
雖然無法和我見面 ..不過現在這裡很多演員和我都是揮汗用心地在為演出準備著...
今天想跟大家聊的是 ..關於這次我的生日..
透過新聞...大家也都知道是因為新流感造成普遍大眾憂心的緣故... 不得已才無法共度這次生日
無論如何... 大家一定要注意健康...
天氣也漸漸冷了.. 請大家要穿得暖一點喔..
11/13日展開的音樂劇'殺人魔傑克' 的公演.. 希望到時候我們能愉快地相見...
Repost from "AJW Official web site", thank you for icicle love sharing
VOD (in English)
The title : Thanks a lot for celebration of my birthday ^^
This is Jaewook’s birthday greetings for you.
In spite of busy musical practice schedule, he was willing to take this video for you.
Please enjoy his latest appearance^^
@staff DaRang
========================= JaeWook's Video =========================
Hi, it is Ahn JaeWook. Long time no see.
Here is the practice room for upcoming musical “Jack the Ripper” ^^
All of you expect a lot of us, don’t you?
The opening is not far from today, so many actors and I are preparing hard.
I would like to say about my birthday.
Unfortunately, it was the first time.... this year you and I didn’t have my birthday party together. As you might well know about H1N1 flu, many people get worries and concerns for it. So this year, it was decided to skip my birthday party under these unavoidable circumstances.
However, I had a happy and NOT-lonely birthday, because many of you celebrated my birthday and gave me lots of birthday greetings and gifts.^^
Please take good care of your health. Now the weather is getting cold. Please make yourself warm with warm clothes.
The musical “Jack the Ripper” opening on November 13....
I want to see you then, smiling at each other. I will work hard to show a great performance. Thank you.
(The End)
I feel energy and happiness from AJW’s smiling face on the video, don’t you?
Wish for AJW’s happiness, health, and success!!!!!!!!
Thank you very much |
多謝 Christina 辛勤轉貼...讓我們可以看到在旭和知道他的消息.........^^ |