» 討論區 » {VOD} Summer Camp 2013 ~ 08.17 (2nd day) ...
Repost from "Wookienet", thank you for JayJay love sharing
2013 여름캠프 둘째날 아침 체조시간
Jae Wook tel. language in the morning exercise (早操上分享電話各種語言)
가위바위보 잘 못하는 조장님의 느닷없는 실력발휘로
가장 늦게 아침을 먹게된 6조^^
외국어 공부 열심히 하시나봐요......^^*
(Download here) |
Repost from "AJW World", thank you for Daphne love sharing
20130817 Forever summer camp day 2 ~ Captain Ahn's multi-lingual session (English subtitles)
Jae Wook spoke many different kind of language ~ another version (在旭說多國語言)
World Forever USA / Daphne 대프니 |
Repost from "Facebook", thank you for Kendy love sharing
Jae Wook mini concert rehersal ~ Friend
Repost from "Facebook", thank you for Kendy love sharing
Opba 的中文真棒^^
Taken from "Christina"
Sorry, have some noise
Jae Wook showed his language performance