Repost & sources from "Kpopn"

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Neftlix 原創綜藝《Busted! 明星來解謎》第二季確定 11 月 8 日首播,李昇基也加入偵探行列與劉在錫等人合作。



另外,劉在錫、安在旭、金鍾旼、朴敏英、李昇基、世勳、世正出演的《明星來解謎》第二季將在 11 月 8 日首播。
轉貼及資料來源自 : "Korea Star Daily"

Sources from :

確定了! 《Busted!明星來解謎 2》將於下月 8 日公開

《Busted!明星來解謎》於去年(2018年)播出第1季並獲得廣大粉絲喜愛。時隔一年,第 2 季即將播出,準備好再追一波了嗎?

Netflix《Busted!明星來解謎》是百分之百事前製作的推理型綜藝節目,第一季以劉在錫為首,並由李光洙、朴敏英、安在旭、金鍾旼、EXO 世勳和 gu9udan 世正等藝人出演,每一集都能看見各路明星擔任嘉賓出現在節目中。

第 2 季則確定於下月(11 月)8 日公開,但成員稍有異動:李光洙下車後,由李昇基出演。從綜藝人、演員到偶像歌手,陣容相當堅強,引發海內、外粉絲高度期待。

確定播放日期 : 2019.11.08
Repost & Sources from : "poplar059", thank you for love sharing

Date : 2019.11.10

Sources from :

인스타그램 또다른 사진~

범인은바로너 범바너 안재욱 2회 스크린캡쳐 .
음..지금까지는 생각보다 꽤 많이 나옴.
2회 재미나다.
안형사 음..음...좀 허당끼 충만~~~ .
어디든 여건만되면 앉고 안움직이고, 꽁알꽁알 열심히 얘기함.
2회만큼만 비중 된다고 들면 10회까지 잼나게 볼듯.
애니 윌크스처럼 빨리 다보고 다시 볼까 아껴가며 한회 한회 천천히 볼까...
유 탐정의 구박에 새초롬한 표정으로 대응하는거 너무 마음에드는 표정임.
본인이 실제로 뻘쭘할때 짓는 표정.
지압판위의 리액션..보다가 길거리에서 혼자 빵터짐.
잔머리 잘쓰는데 가끔 저렇게 당함...

Busted II 已經開始播出,
因為在旭在年初因犯上 <酒後駕駛> 緣故,
在工作上暫時停止, 故此這劇集雖然是早期接拍,
可繼續拍上, 但後期的工作, 包括宣傳等,
沒有他的出現, 這之前他在視頻上向大家講上,
但觀眾依然按時欣賞, 並 cap. photo.
Repost & Sources from : "ginmin12", thank you for love sharing

Date : 2019.11.10

Sources from :

인스타그램 또다른 사진~

#안재욱 #ahnjaewook
#넘 이쁜 장면들이 많다
#생각했던것보다 허당안
#분꽃 꽃말
#그래요 올겨울 보고또보고

Repost & Sources from : "juckstagram", thank you for love sharing

Date : 2019.11.11

Sources from :

인스타그램 또다른 사진~

대체 이 멤버가
왜 저래야하나 싶어서 엄청 웃었던 장면
#이적 #존박 #이장원 #안재욱 #세훈 #세정 #진영 이
대체 왜 요들송을 저렇게 힘들게 부르고있는지 궁금하신 분은
#범인은바로너 #범인은바로너시즌2
4화 신과함께 돌아온 천재탐정단 을 참고해주세요
시즌1에 이어 사건해결마저 잘하는 갓적
방탈출카페 초초초에이스면모

https://scontent-bog1-1.cdninsta ... nc_cat=107&dl=1
(Download here)
Repost & Sources from : "kimshinae7485", thank you for love sharing

Date : 2019.11.11

Sources from :

인스타그램 또다른 사진~

드디어 나왔당!
올해 초 촬영했던
넷플릭스 '범인은바로너2'
혜진역! 편집이 많이되어
아쉽긴 하지만 잘 만들어진
방송! 특수효과촬영에
우리나라 최고의 멋진 스텝분들과 연옌분들과 함께 많은걸 배운 촬영♡

스텝분들께 칭찬을 많이 해주셔서 감사했던 촬영♡

연기를 너무 잘해주신 남편역 민성욱배우님 김동준배우님도
넘 감사하다♡


Repost & Sources from : "everydaywithseho", thank you for love sharing

Date : 2019.11.16

Sources from :

인스타그램 또다른 사진~

犯人就是你第二季實在太好笑了 天知道我看了好幾遍了 哈哈 真的期待有第三季啊啊啊啊啊
#bustednetflix #busted2 #세훈 #유재석 #박민영 #김세정 #이승기 #김종민 #안재욱 #이광수

Repost & Sources from : "poplar059", thank you for love sharing

Date : 2019.11.18 (第二集)

Sources from :

인스타그램 또다른 사진~

#범인은바로너 #안재욱 #넷플릭스 #추리예능
10회 다 본지 꽤 됐는데 무슨 얘기를 하고 싶어도 넷플릭스는 캡쳐도 안된다.
아쉬운데로 저퀄로 모니터 찍기.
시즌 1보다는 추리꺼리나 스토리 연결이 더 재미있다.
내 기준 제일중요한 안형사님이 추리능력이 늘었어요~~~~
저번보다 꽤 열심히 추리하고 참여한다.
하지만 전체 멤버가 상황설명 들을때는 역시나 뒤로 뒤로...
제일 재미있는 회차는 7화~~ ㅋㅋㅋ
노안이 올때 됐지요..네네...
안형사님은 한방 크게 하려고 그렇게 열심히 골프를 쳤었나보다...
6화가 여수 시카고 바로 촬영 갔던 회차인데 정말 급하게 참여했구나.
헤어스타일이 안빌리다.
메이크업도 그닥 안한거같고..
그런데 10화 끝이 어째 마무리가 안된다.
시즌 3가 나오는건가...?

Repost & Sources from : "ginmin12", thank you for love sharing

Date : 2019.11.30

Sources from :

인스타그램 또다른 사진~

#돌아온 안탐정
#안탐정이 젤 잼나
#이걸로 웃길줄이야
#시즌2 #10부작
#겨울이 생각보다 길어

https://scontent-sin6-2.cdninsta ... 86f91cfff1&dl=1
(Download here)
Repost & Sources from : "kdramakst", thank you for love sharing

Date : 2020.03.31

Sources from :

인스타그램 또다른 사진~
“Busted S2” Ep.2 || Part 1/3
I’m posting only #ParkMinYoung #박민영 @rachel_mypark cuts/moments❗️
ABOUT: #Busted (or #TheCriminalIsYou #범인은바로너 ) is a #SouthKorean web television program on #Netflix . Seven celebrity sleuths discover that they are a part of an operation called Project D, in which they are implanted with a chip containing the DNA of famous detectives throughout history. Lead by a man only known as "K”, they are recruited as private detectives and are given a new case in each episode, all the while figuring out the mystery behind Project D and its inception. The first season consists of 10 episodes and premiered with two episodes on May 4, 2018. Subsequent episodes were released two at a time every Friday afterward. There is also season 2 witch aired in November 8, 2019 on Netflix.
CAST: #bustednetflix #bustedseason2 #thecriminalisyou #범인은바로너 #yoojaesuk #유재석 #leeseunggi #이승기 #AhnJaewook #안재욱 #KimJongmin #김종민 #LeeKwangsoo #이광수 #ParkMinyoung #박민영 #OhSehun #오세훈 #KimSejeong #김세정 #kshow #koreantvshow #tvshow #kdramakst #busted_kdramakst
CAST INSTAGRAM: @yoojaeseok72 @masijacoke850714 @rachel_mypark @oohsehun @steelajw6796 @clean_0828

https://scontent-cdg2-1.cdninsta ... 11359b8cb0&dl=1
(Download here)

https://scontent-cdt1-1.cdninsta ... 082ac3118d&dl=1
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https://scontent-cdg2-1.cdninsta ... 790c6dc5e9&dl=1
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Lmao Jongmin is too funny
“Busted S2” Ep.2 || Part 2/3
I’m posting only #ParkMinYoung #박민영 @rachel_mypark cuts/moments❗️
ABOUT: #Busted (or #TheCriminalIsYou #범인은바로너 ) is a #SouthKorean web television program on #Netflix . Seven celebrity sleuths discover that they are a part of an operation called Project D, in which they are implanted with a chip containing the DNA of famous detectives throughout history. Lead by a man only known as "K”, they are recruited as private detectives and are given a new case in each episode, all the while figuring out the mystery behind Project D and its inception. The first season consists of 10 episodes and premiered with two episodes on May 4, 2018. Subsequent episodes were released two at a time every Friday afterward. There is also season 2 witch aired in November 8, 2019 on Netflix.
CAST: #bustednetflix #bustedseason2 #thecriminalisyou #범인은바로너 #yoojaesuk #유재석 #leeseunggi #이승기 #AhnJaewook #안재욱 #KimJongmin #김종민 #LeeKwangsoo #이광수 #ParkMinyoung #박민영 #OhSehun #오세훈 #KimSejeong #김세정 #kshow #koreantvshow #tvshow #kdramakst #busted_kdramakst
CAST INSTAGRAM: @yoojaeseok72 @masijacoke850714 @rachel_mypark @oohsehun @steelajw6796 @clean_0828

https://scontent-kut2-1.cdninsta ... e140730ed296bd66add
(Download here)

https://scontent-kut2-2.cdninsta ... 004aad4f47edab3fa09
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https://scontent-kut2-1.cdninsta ... a29a8f6ad78b9eefc6a
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https://scontent-kut2-2.cdninsta ... 09c92c78b248767f0bb
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Idk why but form me season 2 is more interesting then season 1 in season 2 there are lots of crimes going on but they are all connected!
“Busted S2” Ep.2 || Part 1/3
I’m posting only #ParkMinYoung #박민영 @rachel_mypark cuts/moments❗️
ABOUT: #Busted (or #TheCriminalIsYou #범인은바로너 ) is a #SouthKorean web television program on #Netflix . Seven celebrity sleuths discover that they are a part of an operation called Project D, in which they are implanted with a chip containing the DNA of famous detectives throughout history. Lead by a man only known as "K”, they are recruited as private detectives and are given a new case in each episode, all the while figuring out the mystery behind Project D and its inception. The first season consists of 10 episodes and premiered with two episodes on May 4, 2018. Subsequent episodes were released two at a time every Friday afterward. There is also season 2 witch aired in November 8, 2019 on Netflix.
CAST: #bustednetflix #bustedseason2 #thecriminalisyou #범인은바로너 #yoojaesuk #유재석 #leeseunggi #이승기 #AhnJaewook #안재욱 #KimJongmin #김종민 #LeeKwangsoo #이광수 #ParkMinyoung #박민영 #OhSehun #오세훈 #KimSejeong #김세정 #kshow #koreantvshow #tvshow #kdramakst #busted_kdramakst
CAST INSTAGRAM: @yoojaeseok72 @masijacoke850714 @rachel_mypark @oohsehun @steelajw6796 @clean_0828

https://scontent-frt3-2.cdninsta ... 9fb9c40a34&dl=1
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https://scontent-frt3-1.cdninsta ... c4024ba726&dl=1
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https://scontent-frt3-1.cdninsta ... 07e35c497f&dl=1
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https://scontent-frt3-1.cdninsta ... 9a6b08e7d1&dl=1
(Download here)

Repost & Sources from : "kdramakst", thank you for love sharing

Date : 2020.04.03

Sources from :

인스타그램 또다른 사진~
“I can’t with Minyoung   the way she was smelling it  “Busted S2” Ep.3 || Part 1/3
I’m posting only #ParkMinYoung #박민영 @rachel_mypark cuts/moments❗️
ABOUT: #Busted (or #TheCriminalIsYou #범인은바로너 ) is a #SouthKorean web television program on #Netflix . Seven celebrity sleuths discover that they are a part of an operation called Project D, in which they are implanted with a chip containing the DNA of famous detectives throughout history. Lead by a man only known as "K”, they are recruited as private detectives and are given a new case in each episode, all the while figuring out the mystery behind Project D and its inception. The first season consists of 10 episodes and premiered with two episodes on May 4, 2018. Subsequent episodes were released two at a time every Friday afterward. There is also season 2 witch aired in November 8, 2019 on Netflix.
CAST: #bustednetflix #bustedseason2 #thecriminalisyou #범인은바로너 #yoojaesuk #유재석 #leeseunggi #이승기 #AhnJaewook #안재욱 #KimJongmin #김종민 #LeeKwangsoo #이광수 #ParkMinyoung #박민영 #OhSehun #오세훈 #KimSejeong #김세정 #kshow #koreantvshow #tvshow #kdramakst #busted_kdramakst
CAST INSTAGRAM: @yoojaeseok72 @masijacoke850714 @rachel_mypark @oohsehun @steelajw6796 @clean_0828

https://scontent-sjc3-1.cdninsta ... 9a9668f778&dl=1
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https://scontent-fml2-1.cdninsta ... 0b221c060b&dl=1
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Lmao I couldn’t stop laughing at MinYoung and Sehun part and when JongMin was trying to hide I can’t
“Busted S2” Ep.3 || Part 2/3
I’m posting only #ParkMinYoung #박민영 @rachel_mypark cuts/moments❗️
ABOUT: #Busted (or #TheCriminalIsYou #범인은바로너 ) is a #SouthKorean web television program on #Netflix . Seven celebrity sleuths discover that they are a part of an operation called Project D, in which they are implanted with a chip containing the DNA of famous detectives throughout history. Lead by a man only known as "K”, they are recruited as private detectives and are given a new case in each episode, all the while figuring out the mystery behind Project D and its inception. The first season consists of 10 episodes and premiered with two episodes on May 4, 2018. Subsequent episodes were released two at a time every Friday afterward. There is also season 2 witch aired in November 8, 2019 on Netflix.
CAST: #bustednetflix #bustedseason2 #thecriminalisyou #범인은바로너 #yoojaesuk #유재석 #leeseunggi #이승기 #AhnJaewook #안재욱 #KimJongmin #김종민 #LeeKwangsoo #이광수 #ParkMinyoung #박민영 #OhSehun #오세훈 #KimSejeong #김세정 #kshow #koreantvshow #tvshow #kdramakst #busted_kdramakst ❤️
CAST INSTAGRAM: @yoojaeseok72 @masijacoke850714 @rachel_mypark @oohsehun @steelajw6796 @clean_0828

https://scontent-sjc3-1.cdninsta ... c6d0c4678c&dl=1
(Download here)

https://scontent-sjc3-1.cdninsta ... 2200f0d38a&dl=1
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https://scontent-sjc3-1.cdninsta ... 4c7c8dabed&dl=1
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https://scontent-sjc3-1.cdninsta ... f0ba69556a&dl=1
(Download here)
“Busted S2” Ep.3 || Part 3/3
I’m posting only #ParkMinYoung #박민영 @rachel_mypark cuts/moments❗️
ABOUT: #Busted (or #TheCriminalIsYou #범인은바로너 ) is a #SouthKorean web television program on #Netflix . Seven celebrity sleuths discover that they are a part of an operation called Project D, in which they are implanted with a chip containing the DNA of famous detectives throughout history. Lead by a man only known as "K”, they are recruited as private detectives and are given a new case in each episode, all the while figuring out the mystery behind Project D and its inception. The first season consists of 10 episodes and premiered with two episodes on May 4, 2018. Subsequent episodes were released two at a time every Friday afterward. There is also season 2 witch aired in November 8, 2019 on Netflix.
CAST: #bustednetflix #bustedseason2 #thecriminalisyou #범인은바로너 #yoojaesuk #유재석 #leeseunggi #이승기 #AhnJaewook #안재욱 #KimJongmin #김종민 #LeeKwangsoo #이광수 #ParkMinyoung #박민영 #OhSehun #오세훈 #KimSejeong #김세정 #kshow #koreantvshow #tvshow #kdramakst #busted_kdramakst ❤️
CAST INSTAGRAM: @yoojaeseok72 @masijacoke850714 @rachel_mypark @oohsehun @steelajw6796 @clean_0828

https://scontent-sjc3-1.cdninsta ... ac01b9de22&dl=1
(Download here)

https://scontent-sjc3-1.cdninsta ... 9ade45bd98&dl=1
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https://scontent-fml2-1.cdninsta ... d953611ec7&dl=1
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https://scontent-sjc3-1.cdninsta ... f4d1a430ef&dl=1
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Repost & Sources from : "jejuhong_banjjang", thank you for love sharing

Date : 2020.06.04

Sources from :

인스타그램 또다른 사진~
#한림바다체험마을 에서
#범인은바로너 3화 살인자 #이광수편 촬영했습니다^^ #안재욱 #엑소 #세훈
두 분이 직접 방문하셔서 #낚시 체험을 하셨는데요.

정말 빛이 납니다! #제주도 한림바다체험마을에서
#낚시체험 해보세요^^!
#방송 #촬영중
#테우체험 하는 #연예인
#안재욱 #엑소 #세훈
멀리서 봐도 #잘생김 #뿜뿜
#누구나 #쉽게 #할수있는 #낚시체험
#테우낚시 #낚시 #체험