{Message} 06.13 官網發放在旭最新近況留言...

Repost from "AJW Official web site" ~ Together / Essay of him

Sources from :

http://www.ahnjaewook.co.kr/toge ... &board_id=essay

[FROM AJW] 에라잇 뻥~~~~~~~~~~  

할일이 산더미 같다니요...........넘 하시네요...

中文轉貼 "一切就旭", 謝謝分享

在旭留言大意是 :

"要做的事情堆積如山, 努力去做"
2# 缘起玄瑞


相信在旭他本人非常瞭解 fans 們對他的思念,
故此, 最近頻頻留言給大家, 以解 "思念" 之苦.

哈哈, 我們姐妹對他的稱呼,
多叫 Opba, 而我就直呼他的名字 "在旭"


Have a nice weekend.

p.s. "韓劇社區" 這裏是我平常要到的地方, 相信見到我的留言名字可不少.

Repost from "AJW Official web site"

傍晚, 在旭在官網留了只是短短的一句話,
原來, 是回應在昨天, 公司職員 "Kee Dong" 的,
Korea fans 覺得很有興味, 於是將之翻成 "English"

You do have a mountain of work to do?.....really?.....   you go too far...


AJW replied to KeeDong's msg (June 12,09).
Gosh,it is so funny..I laughed out as I read the one line from AJW :-D
I can see AJW's personality and wit from it and feel their intimacy
between AJW and his staffs.
However, I wish I could have got more from AJW... than one line :-)
I will be waiting and waiting~~~~~!
Ahn Jaewook, Fighting!!!!