{News} 08.22 "Life for love" 最新排行位置

Repost from "AJW World", thank you for love sharing

Sources from:
http://book.interpark.com/produc ... ;sc.prdNo=203463006

주간종합 16 위 (142 위↑)

가요 12 위 (68 위↑)

R&B / 발라드 3 위 (12 위↑)

轉貼 "築在旭緣", 謝謝分享

안재욱 - 사랑에 살다 [미니앨범]

安在旭 韓版 CD 銷售排行

一週綜合排行 16 位(142 位↑)

流行歌曲 12 位(68 位↑)

R&B/抒情歌曲 3 位(12 位↑)

真的是個好消息, 希望好的繼續來.

I brought the new album to the ice-rink at Festival Walk on Sunday and asked the DJ there to play No.6 "Breeze".  The song was shared by over 200 ice-skaters there.  When I told the DJ that the album only arrived a few days ago, she said she was really proud that she may be the first one to play the song in public.
3# Doris


謝謝你, 下次不妨再次推介 "主打歌"

Have a nice day.
Repost from "Wookienet", thank you for love sharing

直到 8.30, 在旭最新日本專輯的 Oricon 銷售名次是 17 位