
[ 3464 主題 / 18969 回復 ]

版主: Christina, Anna

    標題 作者 回復/查看 最後發表
common Icon66 {News} 09.02 Rock of Ages 第 3 次預售門票消息 Christina 2010-9-2 0/4263 Christina 2010-9-2 09:39
common Icon66 {News} 09.01 "Rock of Ages" 官網開通 Christina 2010-9-1 0/3904 Christina 2010-9-1 13:53
common Icon66 {Photo} 08.31 Rock of Age 綵排劇照 Christina 2010-8-31 3/4222 Christina 2010-9-8 23:55
common Icon66 {分享} 08.31 原庄 Rock of Age 精華 MV Christina 2010-8-31 0/3604 Christina 2010-8-31 09:28
common Icon79 {VOD} 08.29 Ahn Jae Wook summer camp 2010 (1) KPL 2010-8-29 2/4168 KPL 2010-9-12 18:47
common Icon66 {分享} 08.29 fans 對 "Jack the Ripper II" 回響 Christina 2010-8-29 3/3833 Christina 2010-8-29 22:50
common Icon66 {VOD} 08.28 Jack the Ripper II (水原) Christina 2010-8-29 3/3914 Christina 2010-8-29 13:51
common Icon66 {VOD} 08.27 Triangle 電影 DVD 即將在日本發行 Christina 2010-8-27 0/3858 Christina 2010-8-27 00:45
common   {Photo} 08.27 Jack the Ripper II 花絮 Christina 2010-8-27 0/4024 Christina 2010-8-27 00:11
common Icon65 {VOD} 08.22 Jack the Ripper II Christina 2010-8-23 13/5930 Christina 2010-9-2 10:30
common Icon66 {分享} 08.22 首爾觀光社 ~ 安在旭專訪 Christina 2010-8-22 0/4029 Christina 2010-8-22 22:28
common Icon79 {VOD} 08.22 Ahn Jae Wook Summer Camp 2010 - Train KPL 2010-8-22 1/3864 Christina 2010-8-22 18:40
common Icon66 {Photo} 08.21 Jack the Ripper OST Christina 2010-8-21 2/4065 Christina 2010-8-21 09:25
common Icon66 {VOD} 08.21 Rock of Ages 宣傳出現明洞街頭 Christina 2010-8-21 2/4067 Christina 2010-8-21 09:23
common Icon66 {VOD} 08.19 Jack the Ripper II Christina 2010-8-20 4/4095 Christina 2010-8-20 09:36
common Icon66 {Photo} 08.19 Rock of Ages 最新造型 Christina 2010-8-19 2/4542 Christina 2010-8-21 11:40
common Icon66 {VOD} 08.18 Jack the Ripper II Christina 2010-8-19 3/3920 Christina 2010-8-19 09:46
common Icon66 {Photo} 08.19 日本將會發行在旭 大阪/東京紀念 DVD Christina 2010-8-19 0/3962 Christina 2010-8-19 00:26
common Icon66 {News} 08.18 在旭日本 Staff Blog 分享夏令營 2010 Christina 2010-8-18 0/3711 Christina 2010-8-18 02:56
common Icon66 {News} 08.18 Jack the Ripper OST 在 Yesasia.com.hk 有售 Christina 2010-8-18 1/4168 Christina 2010-8-19 21:36
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