The Korean original musical "Harlan County" was produced based on the documentary "Harlan County, USA" which recorded the coal miners' strike action in Harlan County, Kentucky, USA. Set in the United States in 1976, more than 100 years after the abolition of slavery, it tells the story of Riley, a black man who is still suffering from discrimination and unfair treatment, and Daniel travels to northern New York, where slavery has been abolished. The town of Harlan County, with John as the center, is the story of the laborers who are fighting against the rampant mining companies.
The Korean original musical "Harlan County" premiered in Busan and Seoul in 2019, performed at the Busan Encore at the end of the same year, and will be staged in Seoul for the second time in 2021. It will be performed from May 16th to July 16th (2023) The third season will be performed at KEPCO Art Center on the 1st.