스텝 기동이 재욱오빠의 유럽여행 영상을 보고 몹시 부러워하더니 유럽으로 향했습니다. 하여 스텝블로그는 계속되어야겠기에 스텝 다랑이 바통을 이어받았습니다.
여러분들 모두 최근 재욱오빠의 근황이 몹시도 궁금하실텐데요.
스텝 다랑이 그저께 뮤지컬 연습현장을 다녀왔는데 우리의 '안배우님'은 아침부터 늦은 밤까지 연습 또 연습에 매진하고 있었습니다. 함께 연습하는 배우들과 친근한 모습하며, '다니엘'이 나오는 대목대목
최선을 다하는 재욱오빠의 모습이 오랜만에 하는 뮤지컬이 아닌 늘상 무대에 서왔던 원래 그 자리같이 익숙하고 진지하고 멋져보여서 한달앞으로 다가온 뮤지컬 '살인마 잭'의 개막이 몹시 기다려지더라구요.
주변 배우들도 재욱오빠의 열정에 감탄하며 너무 열심히 해서 무대에서 쓰러지지 않을까 걱정할 정도로 뮤지컬에 푸욱 빠져있는 재욱오빠의 모습 스텝 다랑이 두눈으로 확인하고 돌아왔습니다.
여러분들이 재욱오빠 최근 모습이 궁금할듯 하여 사진을 좀 찍어볼까했지만 다른분들과의 연습이 방해될까봐 아쉽지만 먼발치에서나마 구경만 하고 돌아왔구요. 다음번에 공개연습때 꼭 재욱오빠의 최근모습 보여드릴 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다. 여러분들도 '살인마잭'공연때 만날 멋진 '다니엘'의 모습 기대해주세요.
staff 將會持續為各位報導。
那麼,下週見~~作者: Christina 時間: 2009-10-17 09:33
Repost from "AJW Official web site", Together ~ Tell him / Tell us
thank you for icicle hard and good translation.
The message in English
the title: A sweet smell of a musical from JaeWook~~
After KeeDong, a staff member, watched Jaewook’s Europe trip video, he was so jealous about it and finally he left for Europe, promising that he would find the memo and take a picture of it which Jaewook wrote down on the bridge of Pont Neuf: “재미삼아 화이팅" (Jaemisama, fighting).
So, I , Darang - another staff member- will take care of the staff blog to continue.
I am sure that all of you are anxious about the recent updates of Ahn Jae wook.
Darang went to the place of the musical practice and I saw our actor ‘Ahn’ having hard practice from early morning to late night. He was very familiar with other actors at the practice and did his best at each scene of Daniel. Such his comfortable and earnest attitude on the stage made me have the illusion that Ahn Jaewook was “always” a musical actor. All of his great figures made me more enthusiastically wait for the musical “Jack the ripper” in a month.
Other actors were also impressed by Jaewook's passion and hard work for the musical, enough to worry that Jaewook might collapse on the stage due to his hard work. Darang also checked with my own eyes Jaewook completely falling into the musical.
I wished I could take some pictures of Jaewook for you, but I was afraid of disturbing their practice and just watched their practice silently at some distance. At the next open practice, I will try again to get pictures of Jaewook for you guys. Please look forward to seeing nice ‘Daniel’ at the musical “Jack the Ripper”.
The Staff blog will continue. See you next week~~~~