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標題: {分享} 08.31 JW Talk in Osaka '09 [打印本頁]

作者: koko    時間: 2009-8-31 12:28     標題: {分享} 08.31 JW Talk in Osaka '09

Today,I returned to Tokyo.Here comes Typhoon~!Rain & wind!
But,in Osaka was very fine and Hot!!

Well, the concert...I think Tokyo was better..
The voice condition also better .
He said "Today really wanna go back to house!(laugh)"
"I feel very first time nervous...but,when I see you,I get the Power"
He always said "I love Osaka more than Tokyo...Osaka give me the Power..!"
Oh!...I'm 東京人's so pity.Anyway,he follow that"But,when I go Tokyo,I like Tokyo..haha"...Yeh?..I think Osaka town has resemblance Seoul...also his father has company in Osaka.

In the Europe episode, when he took the photos of Lovers...
"In Europe,many couples kissing in the know..I feel so envy it!"
"I can't remember...when I kissed last time..."(Really?!...everybody said NO!)
For the last of this show,he said good thing..."Please kissin' a lot!"(Mani- KISS- hase-yo~! Korean,I can hear it!Pretty words!)
Also he talked about his hair again."Many fans shocked that my close-clipping hair,so I promise I'll never do that!"...Really?!He cut when he play baseball...

I think he noticed HK-Taiwan members sign.
'Cause he said "In Osaka you coming from many places and MENS also ...I can see you!"
"I alway think,from here on the stage,audiences are Beautiful!"...Beautiful?...anyway,Tokyo & Osaka,his talking is much diferrent.
作者: Christina    時間: 2009-8-31 19:22

Hi Koko,

Good afternoon.

Glad to know you’ll back at home safety.

Meantime, thank you for your explanation about Osaka concert,
I try my best to translate in Chinese.

今天回東京, 但有颱風, 還有風及雨, 但大阪天氣好及熱.

關於演唱會,  Koko想 … 還是東京的好,
不論歌聲等方面, 很好.

在旭起初有點緊張, 是fans 給予他在限的能量去表演,
可是在旭他很懂得討 fans 歡心, 在東京說東京的 fans 好,
但當在大阪時, 又偏說大阪 fans 也很不錯, 總之很懂得討好當時 fans 歡心.
(原來, 在旭父親曾在大阪的公司工作)

在旭還與 fans 開玩笑, 當在歐洲的時候, 見到當地一對對的戀人, 在 Kiss,
他既羨慕, 又妒忌, 並且還一點玩笑的對大家講,
“已忘記了自己上一次的 kiss 在什麼時候”.

他還關注到大家對他上一次在法國所剪的 “Hair Style”,
就算要剪, 都是為了打棒球.

Koko 還透露在旭知道及清楚, 有香港, 及台灣 fans 到場支持,
及舞動著 “棒光燈牌”,
還有, 不少男仕也到現場欣賞.

以上是感覺得東京, 與大阪演唱會中有一點點不同

作者: koko    時間: 2009-9-1 21:49

For HK team members!

I hope you enjoy this trip to Japan...
Yen is still high,I'm sorry for must be hard to stay.
And,I'm so sorry that I'm not good guide...'cause I don't know much about Osaka.

Anyway,we could meet good Osaka fan!
So,we could see when JW came into the hall,it was luckey!

Well,all of you,
Take care with good memories,I hope you'll return to HK safely!

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