지난주, 새 앨범의 음원이 드디어 공개 됐습니다.
물론 여름캠프 미니콘서트에서 세곡을 미리 공개 했었지만
이번에는 5곡 전곡을 공식적으로 짠!! 하고 공개했다는거!ㅋㅋㅋ
게다가 이번주 수요일에는 앨범까지 공개 된다는거! ㅋㅋㅋ
버릴 곡 하나 없이 다섯곡 모두 완소곡이라고 팔불출 같이 자랑해 봅니다.ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
요즘은 콘서트 연습이 한창입니다.
콘서트 날짜가 다가올 수록 시간이 배로 빨리 가는 것 같아 다들 콘서트 준비에 여념이 없습니다.
연습실에 모여 다들 머리를 맞대고 이노래에는 이걸 해볼까? 저걸해볼까? 하며 고심하고 있습니다.
이번 콘서트에 대해 살짝 귀띔을 해드리자면 큰 무대에서 라이브로 공개되는 이번 앨범의 신곡과
그간의 공연과 다른 듣는 즐거움을 드리고자 밤마다밤마다 구슬땀을 흘리며 연습중이랍니다~ㅋㅋ
어떤 곡들로 얼마나 멋진 콘서트가 완성 될지 많이 많이 기대해 주세요.
진지하게 연습중인 재욱오빠의 뒷태를 공개합니다
在旭的演唱會, 演出成功作者: Christina 時間: 2009-8-18 00:06
轉貼 "築在旭緣", 謝謝 Serena 辛勤翻譯
當然 雖然在夏令營的迷你演唱會中也預先公開給大家聽了
但是.. 這次是五首完整的歌一次!!正式的公開!!ㅋㅋㅋ
再加上 這星期三 新專輯就要問世了呢!!
愈接近演唱會的日子 就愈覺得時間飛逝般 ...大家只能更全神貫注的準備了..
在練習室裡彼此用心討論著.. 這首歌是要這樣好? 還是那樣表現好?
雖然關於這次的演唱會的歌已經稍稍透露給大家知道了 ...
敬請大家好好期待著... 將會呈現出一個多麼令人驚豔的演唱會吧..
公開一下認真練習中在旭 Opba 的背影!
;P作者: Christina 時間: 2009-8-18 01:12
Repost from "AJW Official web-site", thank you for icicle hard and love sharing
Message in English
The title: We are practicing for the upcoming Japan concerts (written by admin)
Last week, the new album was finally released.
Of course, some new songs were already released at the mini concert in Summer camp, BUT this time! BAM! All FIVE songs in the new album were released in public! ㅋㅋㅋ
Besides, the album will be released coming Wednesday! ㅋㅋㅋ
All five songs are so great, so I am very excited and bragging about this. ㅋㅋㅋ
These days, We are in the midst of practice for the Japan concerts.
As concert dates are getting closer, we feel like time goes twice as fast as it actually does and this kind time pressure makes us more devoted to being ready for the concerts.
Every time we gathered in the practice room, we discussed what songs would be the best for the concerts - how about this? How about that? - We really make every possible effort for the concerts.
A little tip about the upcoming concerts. We try to give you a different enjoyment this time which you didn’t have in the past other concerts, as well as live performance on large stage of new songs from the new album. To achieve that, we are practicing so hard every night.
Please wait in anticipation for the upcoming concerts and you will see which songs would be performed and how great concerts they would be.
I open one photo showing JaeWook's back in the middle of practicing!
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