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標題: {VOD/Photo} 06.17 官網發放在旭新的留言 [打印本頁]

作者: Christina    時間: 2009-6-17 14:22     標題: {VOD/Photo} 06.17 官網發放在旭新的留言

Repost from "AJW Official Web" ~ Together / Essay of him

Sources from : ... view&board_id=essay

여러분들을 위한 깜짝 선물~ 안재욱씨 영상입니다.^^

VOD 中在旭為拍照片而剪短了頭髮, 好清爽, 及樣子還好年青,
這是他手術後首次開腔, 對大家講話,
聲音仍然好清, 好響,

作者: 缘起玄瑞    時間: 2009-6-17 16:39



作者: 缘起玄瑞    時間: 2009-6-17 16:40

作者: Christina    時間: 2009-6-17 17:54

VOD 中文翻譯

轉貼 "築在旭緣", 謝謝 Charlottie 辛勤翻譯分享

090617(Wed) JW 視頻


我真的記得 先前未做手術時
在病房中 送給大家的  MESSAGE 的問候以來 … 我想真的隔了很久了

之前說的JABLE 就是我新成立的事務所
手術很成功  約2個月過去了 但是到現在還沒有吸菸
約4~5週期間必須絕對安靜  因為也說要嚴禁菸酒
有空時  連這個我非常不喜歡的登山也做了

總之 身體變得非常健康
這2個月以來的鍛鍊體力  說不定在8月的演唱會上 我會用電纜在空中飛的來回
因此 敬請期待

這次 真的讓大家擔心了. 專輯的錄音順利的完成了. 預定8/19發行
韓日同時發售 敬請期待.

是用手術後新的聲音錄製的  我想也許和以前聽的感覺沒什麼不同 請期待.

這次演唱會的舞台裝置和服裝 曲目等雖然沒有很大的變化
但是比起之前的演唱會 我自己說過想盡早站在舞台上與大家見面的這些話  是一直堅固的信守著.

5月底的約定延遲了, 因為也感覺到未盡到最佳的責任, 所以請大家期待.
還有夏令營 以及在8月底東京大阪演唱會, 用心期待能與大家見面的日子.


當然..也會有 VIDEO message.
因為天氣漸漸變熱 要注意身體 並一起加油

最後  也請多留意新流感.
當然韓國的 fans也是  特別是住在國外的各位


作者: rainbow    時間: 2009-6-18 01:22

wow..在旭先生真的好帅。。哈哈!谢谢Christina的posting还有Charlottie。。姐妹的翻译 :—)
作者: Anna    時間: 2009-6-18 06:23

5# Christina

踏單車是一項非常好的運動,操 fit 自己,以最佳狀態見大家!

Thanks for Christina's posting !

Have a nice day !
作者: Christina    時間: 2009-6-18 09:22

Repost from "AJW Official web site",
thank you for icicle hard translation and sharing

in English (VOD)

title : SURPRISE~~
One surprise  present for you~
AJW's video^^

=== (below, AJW's message  from the video)

Hello, I am glad to meet you..
It's been a long time ..
the last time was when I got the surgery…Right? …
I certainly remember that I said hello to you in a hospital room  
and it seems long time ago and
now I can say hello to you in perfect condition.

I am now in the office.
Under the new “JABLE ENTERTAINMENT”, we are here working together.
Can you see pictures? You will see soon these photos, all new photos..

The surgery went well… Around two months have been already passed.
I do not smoke….no, I CAN NOT smoke… no, I CAN smoke, but I DON'T...
I was told that I must take an unconditional rest
about 4 to 5 weeks right after the surgery,
and could NOT smoke nor drink alcohol….
I did upload my picture on the home page...
Riding a bicycle, mounting climbing...
I did mountain climbing which I hated.. I really did it,
because I had nothing to do...
As a result of those, my body is really in good shape...
Just for two months after the surgery,
I have recovered so great physical power….
by August, I might fly over the stage without wire at the concerts,
in Japan. Please stay tuned... :-)

I am well aware of your worries about me.
I have finished recording the album.
The expecting release date is August 19th.
It will be released simultaneously in Korea and Japan.
Please wait in anticipation for the upcoming album...
This album can give fresh feeling,
especially in that it was recorded with my new voice after surgery...
hope you have the feeling, too.   

Please wait in anticipation for the album as well as the Japan concerts in August.
The concerts are special to me, not because of special stage tings, changes in costumes and hairdo, or a new repertoire, but because of my desire stronger than ever to meeting you on the stage. As I delayed  my promise on concerts form May to August, I feel a sense of  responsibility for making a great performance for you as much as possible. Please give your much expectation.
- Of course summer camp is also waiting for us-
I am looking forward to seeing you at the Tokyo and Osaka concerts soon.

Please wait for my upcoming album in expectation.... I think you will be satisfied..~…Thank you.

In addition, I will visit the website and post my message for you from time to time, although it is not often- . Of course, sometimes will upload a video, too.
Thanks you so much… please take good care of yourselves in hot summer days.
Fighting, fighting  for all of us~
Thanks, ありがとうございます(Thanks in Japanese)

Oh~! be careful about new influenza...
Oversea fans, as well as Korean fans, please take good care for your health...

if you can not see the video at the AJW's website, you can see it at  (you can get it by searching at youtube  with "AHNJAEWOOK")

I let you know in advance that I am moving at the beginning of July. i am not packing my stuff yet. I will do my best to translate and share with you guys the happiness from AJW until my computer is available. For reference, please surf the JAEWOOKIE NET or the ANJAEWOOK ORG in [FRIENDSHIP LINK] which are web sites maintained by Some Korean fans. In there, I am sure that you will be amazed. You can find most about AJW. When my translation is not available, you can find there Korean text form a video (like this time) for foreign fans, then you can translate it into English.

Anyway, AJW's video makes me very happy... He looks so charming and young and it reminds me of Joon-ho in the drama "Blood and Revenge"... Anyway, let's support AJW together!

作者: Christina    時間: 2009-6-18 09:40

Repost from "Wookienet", thank you for love sharing

VOD 截圖

作者: Christina    時間: 2009-6-18 13:24

Repost from "AJW World", thank you for love sharing

another VOD picture

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